
Saturday, January 1, 2011


I hope the New Year has started off well for you!  Here's a look back at this week on Eat Little, Eat Big and some things I marked of interest around the blogosphere.

Monday-a "how to" on fish

Recipe and method for pan sauteed halibut

Tuesday-a favorite side dish

Mushroom rice

Wednesday-my winning entry in a pie contest!

Creamy Dreamy Chocolate Almond Pie

Thursday-a versatile pot-luck side dish

Curried rice salad

It was a busy week with travel and family visits but here are a few things that I noted on other blogs.

A delicious sounding meatball recipe from Ree.
Top 10 recipes from 2010 at Kalyn's Kitchen.
And finally, Gina's top 20 skinny recipes of 2010.

I hope you are having a great start to 2011.  Cheers!