
Monday, January 3, 2011

Veggie and Hummus Sammys

Perhaps like yourself, I am trying to reign in my holiday eating and get back on track with healthy eating most of the time and only occasional treats (unlike what the past month or so has been).  I don't know what it is about the New Year that compels us to "start", but this past weekend on NY's day I got my head organized around how I am going to eat and some attainable short and long term goals for healthy eating, which will translate into a few pounds lost over the near term.

For example, I'm going to be doing hummus sammys with different veggies for some lunches.  This cucumber and hummus on whole wheat sandwich was very satisfying with the rich and creamy hummus, the crunchy cucumber, and hint of pepper.  I also had a medium apple and was quite full.  I wasn't hungry an hour later either!

Here's the nutritional breakdown for the apple, 1 slice WW bread, 1 TBSP hummus and 1/2 cup cucumber slices: 240 calories, 4 grams fat, 48 grams carbs, 8 grams fiber, 6 grams protein, 6 WW Points +

Other veggie/hummus combos on the menu plan include red pepper slices, grated carrot and cucumber, and roasted red beet (cold).  Tune in tomorrow for an unusual and delicious hummus recipe.

Are you making any commitments to healthier eating for 2011 that you'd share with the rest of us?