
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Recipe for Curried Rice Salad

One of the great things about living on Maui (there are so many!) is the opportunity to eat “al fresco” almost all year round.  Get togethers often include a picnic at the beach or at someone’s pool.  Community pot-lucks can be held at an outdoor pavilion.  This rice dish is one that I made for our community holiday party which we held at this beautiful setting.

I know many of you are bundled up right now in the middle of winter, not eating outside!  But I’m guessing you are still going to school or church potluck dinners or getting together with friends to watch sports or play cards.  This is a great dish for any of those activities too!

I got the inspiration for this dish from a neighbor who makes this with rotisserie chicken which is a great main course.  I’ve also made it with almonds instead of peanuts and with left over pork roast chopped and thrown in.  For added crunch, sometimes I’ll add in chopped red bell peppers.  I love versatile recipes like this!  The flavors actually get better and better with time, so make it ahead and let everything get happy together.  And enjoy the leftovers (if there are any).

Makes 12 generous servings, each approximately 304 calories, 15 grams fat, 37 grams carbs, 2.5 grams fiber, 7 grams protein; 8 WW Points +

Ingredients (I made a double recipe, so unless you are feeding a big crowd you can cut this in half):
2 boxes low sodium Rice-a-Roni, Chicken flavor
2/3 cup white basmati rice
1 cup chopped scallions
1 jar, 14 oz, marinated artichoke hearts, drained, chopped
1 jar, 14 oz, artichoke hearts in water, drained, chopped
12 large green olives, chopped
1 TBSP curry powder
2/3 cup olive oil mayonnaise
1 cup cocktail peanuts
Salt and pepper to taste

Cook basmati rice in with Rice-a-Roni following package directions. Cool.

Place scallions, peanuts, artichoke hearts, and olives in to a bowl.

Mix the mayonnaise and curry powder together.

Add cooled rice to bowl with scallion/peanut mixture.  Stir in curry mayonnaise.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Serve chilled.

Rotisserie chicken
Chopped red bell pepper
Almonds, substituted for peanuts
Red onion substituted for scallions
Golden raisins

How's your preparation for the new year going?   Any food related resolutions!?

Printable Recipe