
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Recipe for Creamy Dreamy Chocolate Almond Pie

Mmmm.  Doesn't that look good?  I promise it you it is and it is also pretty easy to make.  It’s hard to beat the combination of almond butter and chocolate, so why fight it?  We're not vegan (obviously!) but this pie turns out to be so if you have vegan friends coming over, here's your dessert!  (I developed this as part of a contest sponsored by Earth Balance but was not paid to do so or to write about it; but I did win the contest and $400 gift card to Whole Foods and a year of Earth Balance products!!)
For 10 generous servings, each approximately 360 calories, 27 grams fat, 28 grams carbs  , 5 grams fiber,  10 grams protein (you can slice it into much smaller portions to manage the calorie count!); 10 WW Points +

8 sheets of graham crackers (4 small crackers per sheet)
4 crunchy granola bars (2 packets), roasted almond crunch flavor
6 TBSP Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Sticks
1 TBSP cinnamon
Cooking spray

Filling and garnish
1 packet, 14 ounces, organic soft silken tofu
1 cup Earth Balance Almond Butter
1 ¼ cup bittersweet chocolate (non dairy if you do want to keep it vegan)
2 TBSP Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Sticks

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Crush graham crackers and granola bars to a fine crumb either with a rolling pin or in food processor (makes about 1 ¾ cups); add cinnamon. 

Add 6 TBSP melted Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Sticks to crumb mixture and stir until well distributed.
Press mixture into bottom and up sides of pie plate that has been lightly sprayed with cooking spray.

Bake on middle rack in oven for 10-12 minutes until browning.
Remove and cool for 15 minutes.

Melt chocolate and 2 TBSP Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Sticks together until smooth and spreadable. 
Reserve about ¼ cup of chocolate mix and spread remainder in bottom of cooled pie crust.

Drain tofu and pat dry.  Add tofu and almond butter to stand mixer with whisk attachment. 

Mix until well combined then spread over chocolate layer.
Decorate with reserved chocolate mixture (may need to reheat briefly).

Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

The texture is wonderfully creamy and light; the crust crunchy.  And the layer of chocolate, well what can I say?

Have you made any fun desserts recently?

Printable Recipe