
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Recipe for Cauli-Kale "Surprise"

Have you ever had colcannon?  It's mashed potatoes and cabbage, of Irish roots I believe.  There was a restaurant in San Francisco that served it frequently and I grew to love it-made me feel less guilty about eating potatoes!

When I was on the South Beach diet, a favorite was South Beach "Surprise", mashed cauliflower with Laughing Cow cheese.  We still eat a lot of it.  Mr. ELEB likes it and it is one of the only ways I'll eat cauliflower.  I have roasted some from time to time and can eat that.  Oh, and I love cauliflower soup! And I loved the cauliflower sformato I made a while ago.  OK, I guess I like cauliflower.

So, all that by way of introduction of how I came up with this recipe.  I had a head of cauli and some kale.  I had Laughing Cow, but opted instead to use herbed goat's cheese.

This was a hit and I'm sure it would be good with cabbage too.  Or spinach for that matter.  If you're on South Beach, use the Laughing Cow but if not, the goat's cheese in here is divine!  Who needs potatoes!?

Time: 25 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

·         1 medium cauliflower, cut into small florets
·         1 ½ cup chopped kale
·         2 oz. herb and garlic goat’s cheese (or plain goat’s cheese, or Laughing Cow)
·         Salt and Pepper to taste

·         Cook cauliflower in boiling water until softened about 20 minutes.
·         Steam kale for about 1-2 minutes while cauliflower cooks.  Drain well.
·         Mash cauliflower and cheese together until smooth.
·         Add drained Kale.
·         Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper as needed.

We had this with some bison burgers.  I think it would be really good with roasted chicken too!  Try it and let me know what you think.

Printable Recipe