
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Recipe for Poached Eggs over Spinach and Salmon with Pureed Roasted Red Peppers

If you read yesterday's blog post, you know we had breakfast for dinner last night using the pureed roasted red peppers I made.  This would of course also work for brunch or a morning breakfast.  Eggs, salmon, spinach, red peppers, a little dill and a squeeze of lemon-yum!  I had mine just on the bed of spinach and found it very filling.  For Mr. ELEB, I piled his on top of toasted whole wheat English muffin halves. Good either way!

I had just used a coupon for Eggland's Best eggs.  According to Eggland, compared to regular eggs, theirs have 25% less saturated fat, 35% more lutein (good for the eyes), 10 times more vitamin E, 3 times more vitamin B12, twice as much vitamin D, and double the Omega-3s.   You can read more about the nutritional benefits of Eggland's Best here.

The Eggland's eggs poached up very nicely and tasted good.  I like that they have less saturated fat than regular eggs.  I used my favorite way to poach eggs-with a bit of vinegar in the water.  It holds the white together better (perhaps an old wives' tale, but...)

I know my lemons look green in the photo-they are!  Our lemon tree makes the best lemons, but they are more green than yellow.

Yield: 2 servings
Time: 7 minutes (plus 45 if making the pureed roasted red peppers now)
4 Eggland's Best eggs
1 tsp white vinegar
4 cups fresh spinach
1 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp dill leaves, plus more for garnish
3 oz. smoked salmon, divided into 4 servings
Fresh lemon slices
4 tsp pureed roasted red peppers
Salt and pepper
Optional: whole wheat English muffins


  • Wilt spinach with salt and dill for 30 seconds over med-high heat.
  • Remove and drain spinach in paper towel lined bowl.  Separate into 4 servings.
  • Toast split English muffins if using.
  • In a large sauté pan, heat to a very gently simmer enough water to cover eggs.  Add vinegar.
  • Crack eggs one by one into a small bowl and gently slide each one into barely simmering water.
  • Cook eggs 2-4 minutes (less for runny yolk, more for firmer yolk).
  • Place one serving of spinach on a plate (or on English muffin half if using).
  • Top with serving of salmon and a poached egg.
  • Add a spoonful of pureed roasted red peppers and a squirt of lemon juice.
  • Garnish with salt and pepper, a sprig of dill and lemon slices.
Printable recipe

Top photo: without and with English muffin

What do you have when it is "breakfast for dinner" time?

*As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, I received a coupon for a dozen Eggland's Best eggs*