
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Corn on the Grill

Old and new worlds come together in the best ways sometimes.  This past week we have been fortunate to have some “old” friends visit from San Francisco.  Everyone has now gone home except our one friend Olivia who leaves today.  The first night when everyone started arriving, we did a sunset picnic down on the beach.  It was a rare cloudy evening, so not much in the way of sunset but the clouds provided a beautiful sky once the sun had set and was reflecting its rays from beyond the horizon.  For Olivia’s last night, our “new” friends here on Maui, Jennifer and Ryan (and their dog Chimi), hosted us at a pool side sunset barbecue.  The sunset was amazing, as was the food. 

Chimi standing guard

We get some great local corn from Kula here on Maui and that was featured in our barbecue.  I usually boil it on the stove top and serve it with a tad of butter and some salt and pepper.  It made a nice change to have it cooked on the grill.

To prepare, wash the corn and remove the silk.  Generously coat in olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Jennifer cooked these ears 10 minutes on indirect heat and then 10 on direct heat to get a tasty char on the kernels.    She said to try corn roasted with cumin, lime, and chili powder for a really tasty variation.

You can also cook corn on the grill inside the husk.  Have you tried corn on the grill?  Husk on or off?

I hope you have the opportunity to share a meal with old and new friends this summer!