
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

19th Hole. And all good things in moderation.

There's nothing better than getting together with a group of friends to share laughs, food and beverages. 

For those of you who aren't golfers, the 19th hole reference is to the place you go after 18 holes of golf...for post round food and beverages, or at least beverages, usually of the "adult" variety.  This past Sunday, we hosted for our golfing buddies (and some non golfers!) a Final Round Master's Party.  It was painful to watch young Rory McIlroy implode but there was some magnificent, exciting golf (I know, exciting is not often a word associated with watching golf on TV, but it was!) and we enjoyed some great food and drinks.

At get-togethers like this, I can go overboard noshing on all the goodies.  There's nothing I like better than snack food!  All in all, I did pretty good (I wish I hadn't eaten a piece of cake, but it had fruit on it, so not all bad, right?)   This was my plate of the snacks provided by the ladies in the group:  a salmon pinwheel; one of the best deviled eggs I've ever had; a lovely combo of avocado, tomato, capers, mozzarella; seared ahi tuna; a modest serving of tortillas and black bean dip; and potato chips and french onion dip-made by one of our good friends for Mr. ELEB because he doesn't get to eat stuff like that usually!  I'll admit, I went back for a few more chips dipped in the creamy french onion dip-mmm, mmm.  I can't keep that stuff in the house or we'd be eating it every day!

We also had some wonderful salads, barbeque chicken, pimiento mac-n-cheese (in honor of the Master's), cookies and cake.  The afternoon was kicked off by a refreshing mimosa (or maybe a couple!).

A great afternoon!

So, what is served at your pot-luck get togethers?