
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Recipe for Fish Cakes

As I promised yesterday, here is another fish recipe.  When I bought the fish for yesterday’s dinner, as sometimes happens, the piece of fish that was cut by the fishmonger ended up being a bit more than I wanted.  I just decided to take it all instead of making him cut another piece as I figured I could use the extra for lunch.  Now I don’t know about you, but for me there aren’t many leftover fish dishes that I’ve enjoyed eating.  So rather than poaching all the fish yesterday and having the extra today, I cut about 4 ounces off and stuck it back in the coldest part of the fridge and saved it for today’s lunch.

When I pulled it out, I was thinking along the lines of a fish salad (like tuna fish, chicken salad etc) but I felt a little creative (not one of my strong suits for sure) and decided to try to pull off a fish cake.  I wanted it flavorful, light, and interesting.  That’s pretty much what I got.  I’m very happy with this recipe and will make it again.  It could be a dinner entrée as well as made in small sizes for appetizers.    I ate them for lunch along with a green salad and was quite happy and full until dinner.

Ingredients for 2 patties, about 2 ounces each;  211 calories, 9.7 grams fat, 12 grams carbs, 1 gram fiber, 19 grams protein, 5 WW Points+ per patty

  • 4 ounces (+/-) of firm white fish, finely chopped
  • 1 TBSP lime juice
  • 1 TBSP finely chopped green onion
  • 1 TBSP grated fresh ginger
  • 3 TBSP plain non-fat Greek yogurt, divided
  • 3 TBSP coating (panko, fine bread crumbs, fish coating-I used a macadamia, coconut, flax coating mix)
  • 1 TBSP Asian sweet and sour dipping sauce
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • ½ TBSP olive oil
  • Lime slices for serving


  • Mix 2 TBSP of yogurt with the sweet and sour sauce.  Refrigerate until ready to plate.
  • Salt and pepper the fish.  Add green onion, ginger, lime juice and 1 TBSP of yogurt.  Mix gently and form into 2 patties.  Pat coating on both sides of patties.
  • Heat olive oil over medium to medium high heat.  Add patties and cook about 2 – 2 ½ minutes per side.

  • Drain on paper towels and serve with dollop of sauce and slice of lime.

The yogurt worked really well to bind the fish cakes together and also to serve as a base for the accompanying sauce.  The ginger and green onions, along with the sweet and sour yogurt sauce kept things interesting!

What creative recipes have you put together lately?

Printable Recipe