
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Recipe for Sunset Potato Salad


I hope you are having (or had) a great Thanksgiving.

When my kids (adult) were here from GA visiting us recently, we wanted to do a sunset picnic with them and some of our friends.  The sunsets here are amazing as you can imagine.  Heck, don’t imagine, here is a picture from that night! 

I wanted to do some tasty and easy sides that would hold up in the Maui weather.  Even though it is winter, the temps at sunset are still in the low 80’s.  My kids have hearty appetites so a potato salad was a good, filling option.  I concocted this recipe to avoid worrying about mayonnaise going bad.  Boy did it turn out flavorful!  It is also low calorie and low fat (assuming you eat a regular portion size!)

You could play around with the heat level if you wanted to but I loved the mild flavor of the chiles and the tang of the lime just as it turned out.  This makes a huge amount so you can definitely cut the quantities down if you're not feeding a crowd.

Makes approximately 15 servings, each 132 calories, 4.2 grams fat, 21.6 grams carbs, 2.2 grams protein

3.5 lbs tricolor potato medley (or any potato suitable for potato salad)
5 TBSP rice vinegar (or other vinegar)
½ cup fire roasted green chiles (I used mild but suit your own taste)
4 TBSP fresh lime juice
1 ½ cup fresh parsley (or cilantro)
1 small onion
4 medium garlic cloves
¼ cup olive oil
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Cook potatoes in salted water until just barely tender.  Drain and rinse with cool water for a few minutes until you can safely handle.  Cut into bite sized pieces and toss gently with 2 TBSP vinegar and set aside to cool to room temperature.

In a food processor, combine remaining vinegar, chiles, lime juice, parsley, onion, garlic and olive oil and process until smooth. 

Pour over cooled potatoes; add salt and pepper to taste and store in fridge.  Remove from fridge 30 minutes prior to serving.

You may not need all the dressing depending on how “wet” you like your salad.  I had about ¾ cup left over which we used as a salad dressing later.  There was also leftover potato salad which was really good the next day heated over a med-high heat to “pan roast”.

Printable Recipe

Inspired by recipe on potatoes