
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Recipe for Mini-Quiche

We went on a three night Staycation  recently, so before we left, I wanted to use up some of the perishables in the fridge.  I had some zucchini, spinach and mushrooms that needed to be used.  Looking through my “recipes to try” folder, I found this recipe from The Food Network.  It seemed adaptable to what I had on hand and I thought whatever didn't get eaten before we left could go in the freezer.  They defrosted nicely and are great reheated in the microwave for about 15 seconds.

So essentially, here is another make ahead healthy breakfast idea. No reason why you couldn’t also serve these as lunch or dinner with a nice large salad.

Per muffin, approximately 46 calories, 1.4 grams carbs, 1.7 grams fat, 6.3 grams protein

4 oz mushrooms chopped
4 oz zucchini chopped
½ cup chopped onion
1 tsp chopped garlic
2 TBSP fresh chopped thyme
1 tsp kosher salt
½ tsp freshly ground pepper
6 slices turkey bacon
4 large eggs (I used egg substitute)
4 large egg whites
¼ cup 1% milk
½ cup low fat shredded 4 cheese Mexican mix
2 cups baby spinach, rinsed and spun dry in salad spinner
Muffin pan liners

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Line muffin pan with paper liners.  Cook turkey bacon in non-stick pan.  Remove from pan and let cool while mushrooms, zucchini, and onion cook in same pan for 10 minutes over medium. 

Add thyme, garlic, salt and pepper and cook 5 additional minutes. 

Remove from heat and add spinach, stirring until spinach wilts. 

Chop Bacon.  Mix together eggs, egg whites, milk, and cheese. Divide between muffin cups (slightly more than ½ full).  Add veggies and top with bacon.

Bake for 30 minutes or until puffy and starting to brown.

Cool for 5 minutes and then remove mini-quiche from pan and cool completely.  Store in air tight container in fridge or wrap in wax paper and freeze in freezer container or zipper freezer bag.

Serve cold, room temp or warmed in microwave.

This recipe can be adapted to what you have on hand (Veggies, cheese for example).  Let me know if you create a winning combination!

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