
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Recipe for Roasted Vegetable and Cheese Omelet

I'm trying to expand my repertoire of veggie cooking methods beyond my go-to steam and season routine.  So, this past weekend when the TV was on and I was only half way paying attention to whatever was on, I pulled out a bunch of fresh veggies from my weekly Kula Fields delivery.  I chopped them up, seasoned them, tossed them around in a little oil and roasted them up in the oven.  We’ve enjoyed them for dinner twice (just reheated in a pan on the stove top the second time) and I’ve made a veggie omelet twice.  Don’t you love cooking once and eating twice (or more!)

The omelet was great.  I loved getting a generous serving of veggies for breakfast, the low-fat cheese added a velvety touch, and it held me until lunch with no problem.  You could of course have a nice English muffin or a slice of whole wheat bread if you wanted a starch.  Without the bread, this is a good phase 1 South Beach breakfast.

Makes 2 servings each with 120 calories, 3.7 grams fat, 9.4 grams carbs, 12.4 grams protein

Cooking spray
¾ cup egg substitute
2 cups roasted veggies
1 slice 2% American cheese slices, torn into pieces
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat a non-stick pan, sprayed with cooking spray, over medium heat.   Add the roasted veggies and warm for 2 minutes. 

Add egg substitute.  Immediately distribute the veggies evenly, keeping a small border of egg.  Add cheese pieces.  Cook for 1 minute. 

Gently push the cooked edges of the egg in towards the center and roll pan to move liquid mixture to perimeter.  

Cook another minute and repeat the pushing step as needed until surface looks pretty dry.  Using your largest spatula, flip one side of the omelet over the other. 

Cook another minute and move to a plate.  Add salt and pepper. Cut in half and enjoy!